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Welcome to British Pranic Healing Council

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Meet Amelia

What Is Pranic Healing?

Pranic Healing is an age-old approach to addressing physical ailments by harnessing vital energy, known as prana. It utilises advanced non-touch technology, working as nature intended, in tandem with the various sources of universal life force. 


In its modern form, Pranic Healing is both a science and an art. Master Choa Kok Sui painstakingly developed, revealed, and globally taught this practice, transforming it into an alphabet that unlocks the realm of subtle energy.

Prana or ki represents life energy, vital for sustaining the body. When the balance of prana or ki is disrupted—either excessive or deficient—the body's health deteriorates, leading to symptoms of illness. Pranic Healing employs prana to normalize the body's energy, facilitating the acceleration of its innate healing capacity.

Modern Pranic Healing is structured into various levels, presented as a formally taught technology in internationally standardized, graduated courses.

The first level focuses on fundamental principles and techniques, empowering students to address simple physical ailments.


The second level, Advanced Pranic Healing, imparts advanced techniques, incorporating colors to expedite healing time. Students at this stage learn to treat chronic and more severe physical conditions.

The third level, Pranic Psychotherapy, centers on emotional and mental healing, utilizing potent techniques for addressing psychological ailments and the emotional and mental dimensions of chronic diseases—requiring additional time, effort, and skill.


The fourth level, Pranic Crystal Healing, introduces the technology of crystals as tools for treating severe and chronic diseases.


Pranic Healing is accessible and straightforward to learn, delivering remarkable effectiveness. Its reach extends globally - present in more than 130 countries, spanning the United States, Canada, Central and South America, Asia, Western and Eastern Europe (including Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Russia).

Why Pranic Healing?

Courses & Events

Courses & Events We Offer


 Pranic Healing© Course (Level 1) 

Heal others and yourself from simple to intermediate physical diseases. Understand the basic concepts, principles, and techniques behind Pranic Healing©, an advanced form of energy healing that involves the use of life force or prana to realign, balance, and harmonize the human energy system to heal the body and promote wellness.

After the course you should be able to


  • Know the energetic anatomy, chakras and their physical functions

  • Diagnose the affected chakras and parts of the aura through scanning that is a simple and powerful technique to feel the aura

  • Do healing on yourself and others using step-by-step protocols

  • Do distant healing in cases where the patient is not physically available

  • Maintain a good health using comprehensive techniques

  • Apply energetic hygiene by cutting the energy link between you and the patient after each session to avoid unnecessary contaminations

  • Improve a wide range of physical ailments including headaches, heart ailments, gastrointestinal disorders and pains

  • Do Meditation on Twin Hearts for peace and illumination

Image by Yingchih

Advanced Pranic Healing©
Course (Level 2)

Enhance your Pranic Healing© skills through the use of color pranas. Attend the Advanced Pranic Healing© Course and produce rapid, more effective healing results to treat more severe and chronic ailments.


After the course you should be able to


  • Create colour Pranas effectively and with the correct hue and proportion

  • Use the right proportion and combinations of color Pranas to improve a wide range of physical ailments

  • Do advanced scanning to know the condition of the patient in detail

  • Perform specialized healing on more chronic ailments in shorter time

  • Do advanced healing for rapid recovery of wounds, pain and burns

  • Use advanced step-by-step techniques to purify the blood, the internal organs and boost the immune system

  • Use instructive healing

If you are interested in alleviating the pain and sufferings of yourself, your loved ones and others Advanced Pranic Healing is one of the best choices as it teaches you a more specialized and advanced healing technology that enables you to perform rapid and effective healing.

Image by Ruan Richard Rodrigues

Pranic Psychotherapy© Course (Level 3)

Understand how thoughts and emotions affect our thinking patterns and behaviors. Take the Pranic Psychotherapy© Course and apply Pranic Healing© concepts and techniques to prevent and heal emotional and mental imbalances, psychological ailments, disorders, and addictions, and save and improve lives and relationships.


After the course you should be able to


  • Understand how thoughts and emotions affect our thinking patterns and behaviors

  • Use psychotherapy scanning to know the condition of your system and which thought and emotions affect you the most

  • Do Self Healing for tension, irritability, grief and anxiety

  • Use Pranic Psychotherapy to improve addictions of any kind

  • Treat depression and violence

  • Improve your relationship with your spouse, family, friends and co-workers

  • Shield your aura and your chakras to minimize the negative influence of the surrounding environment and the psychic attacks

  • Remove negative, self-defeating programming from childhood that holds you back

  • Improve your self-esteem

Prana for Healthy Foods, Fields and Hearts Course 

An agriculture with and by a higher consciousness

Understanding, experiencing and acting fast with simple techniques for farm, orchards and garden.



The bee life-how to converse with bees

Promotes all lives, not extermination

Empowers not disable or intoxicate!

An optimal model to mitigate the harmful effects of climate & adapt positively

Greater efficiency & quality of soil, seeds, flavour, nutrition & more


Experience and learn ways to restore and reconnect to nature beyond organic farming, permaculture and even biodynamic farming and holistic ecology.

Unlock your heart's capacities and grow spiritually at the same time.


Achieving Oneness With The Higher Soul© Course

Realize your true nature, that you are a soul with different bodies Realize the divinity within other people Create a better relationship with your spouse, family, friends and co-workers.


Know the secret behind symbols such as Caduceus, Blue Pearl and Snake as well as parables such as the Sleeping Beauty Experience calmness and stillness even in the midst of a busy and chaotic situation Use the words of power to quickly achieve inner stillness.


Control your mind to a certain degree Experience the inner light and intense bliss of the "Blue Pearl" or the "Seed of Consciousness" within you using a powerful meditation Increase the size of your spiritual cord to have a stronger connection with your higher soul Do Meditation on Twin Hearts for peace and illumination Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soul gives you a better understanding of your life and its unique purpose.


It is highly recommended for everyone. Although we look different, we have different professions and ways of life, we are all beings of light who knowingly or unknowingly are trying to evolve and to realize our true nature. Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soul makes this possible!


Kriyashakti® is a Sanskrit word which means "using the power of thought to manifest things in the physical plane". We are the sum total of our previous decisions and actions. These include our thoughts and emotions. Kriyashakti® trains you how to actively create thoughts and emotions that are conducive to attracting prosperity and abundance. Kriyashakti® also mean "materialization through purification". Kriyashakti® also trains you how to avoid creating negative thoughts and conditions that manifest hardships and disasters. You will also learn how to use energy and willpower to destroy hindering thoughtforms and beliefs.

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Yoga Session

Arhatic Yoga 

Arhatic Yoga is referred to as the “yoga of synthesis.”  It is a spiritual training synthesizing and integrating all types of yoga into one system taught in several levels.  It is a modern version of dealing with powerful and ancient techniques that systematically activate the energy and “sacred fires” safely to a higher degree in order to achieve glimpses of illumination and expansion of consciousness.  It is not only a path of the intellect, will power and the heart, but it is also a path of applied service and compassion.



“Pranic Healing has changed my life in so many ways. I am so grateful to have found Gowri and their amazing practitioners.”

— Sarah T.

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